The End Of The World As We Know It?

It’s December 21, 2012. The crisp cold air of a Montana winter’s day is refreshing to your senses. As you hurriedly rush around Downtown Bozeman buying seasonal gifts for the people you love your thoughts are focused on nothing but getting last minute goodies together so you can get home, start a fire in the woodstove, kick off your boots and begin wrapping! You are savoring this moment when suddenly it hits and you feel the earth begin to shake, people are running, screaming and panicking as the buildings around you begin to sway and crumble. A large crash is heard as the glass windows showcasing holiday gifts begin to cave in. Water is filling the streets of Downtown…and in that very instant you recall the date-12/21/2012-and you realize with terror that the Mayan’s were right. The Mayan Prophecy is happening NOW. If you are lucky enough to be among the one in ten people who strongly believe that the Mayan Prophecy will be fulfilled in this way and on this date then you are already prepared and hunkered down in a safe place, surrounded by supplies that you will utilize in the days and weeks after this apocalypse has wreaked it’s devastation. If you are not a believer you will be transported through the dimensions via silver ships as you leave your earthly existence…

Wow-this reads like a script from the latest sci-fi Hollywood action film, doesn’t it? Fantasy it is not as a shockingly high number of people subscribe to this belief. According to a poll by Reuters News one in seven (14%) of global citizens agree ‘the world will come to an end during my lifetime.’ One in ten (10%) believe ‘the Mayan calendar, which some say ‘ends’ in 2012, marks the end of the world’ and another one in ten (8%) admit they ‘have been experiencing anxiety or fear because the world is going to end in 2012.’ This poll was conducted among 16,262 adults in 21 countries.

There has been much made in the media regarding this Mayan Prophecy and connects a newfound interest in it to a growing resurrection of these same beliefs among the “New Age” movement. I do not consider myself to be a “New Age” Guru; rather I understand and interpret things as a metaphysician. In my career I have moved among those who do consider themselves to be New Age Gurus and have met many of them who believe this prophecy to be truth and teach it to their followers.

For the last decade or so I have been asked by clients and students about my opinion regarding the Mayan Prophecy. Here it is…

In the early 1980’s I was discussing various end of the world prophecies with my grandmother-Psychic Marjorie Moon. I had many questions for her. “Is the world going to end?” “Will human beings suffer when this happens?” “Will the end of the world mean the end of all human life?” etc… She looked at me in that moment- and Grandma Moon had this adorably convincing way of cocking one eyebrow up and giving a wry smile that let you know you were about to get told something of great wisdom – and she said, “In my day we had many end of the world prophecies. The world was supposed to end when the date changed from 1899 to 1900. That didn’t happen. The next prophecy I remember was in the 1920’s. Preachers and spiritual leaders predicted the end. That didn’t happen. There were various other prophecies about the Cold War with Russia and nuclear destruction, widespread world famine, pestilence and natural disasters. Yet we are all still here. The fact is that the energy of people and the planet are changing constantly-always in a state of flux, a state of change. We are pure energy, not stagnant. People don’t really understand this yet. People fear what they don’t understand. These prophecies are products of fear. They are fed by fear. For the world to just end, its not that simple, my dear.”

Today, almost 30 years has passed since that conversation. We sit on the eve of this auspicious date and even though you can’t quite put a finger on it, do you feel it, too? People speak to me often of the changes they are sensing in the physical and energetic worlds. I have also sensed this change, or shift, in energy, in a psychic sort of way. These changes are not observed, they are sensed and perceived rather than actually seen, heard or touched. Some of these changes include the sense that time is speeding up and that the amount of time we have in any 24-hour period isn’t enough. Time from intention or visualization to manifestation of anything we attempt to create is unusually rapid. Advancements in technology are zooming along as never witnessed before in recorded history. There is a feeling among us that something is about to happen, something unknown, something looming. People want answers for the source of what they feel and sense and many are pointing to the abrupt end to the Mayan 2012 Calendar as the key. I believe there is another possibility. This possibility is away from calendars and projections that began with ancient peoples and is now inconclusively decoded by modern peoples, Hollywood and media. I believe that the current resurgence in interest in this prophecy was created purely by media hype-making “news” instead of simply reporting facts. Facts that keep people hooked and turn them in to fear junkies. I have read and studied much of the math and science behind the chosen date and I emphatically reject it, as many scientific scholars do, as based on guesses and leaps that don’t add up, but they do make a great script!
The Mayan 2012 Prophecy is myth, both from a scientific/scholarly aspect and a metaphysical one. Furthermore, this “prophecy” damages the collective consciousness of humanity.

Astrologically speaking this date is significant for several reasons. Bozeman Astrologer Dawn Miller, author of the weekly forecast e-column “Star Watch” explains, “December 21, 2012 is of course, Winter Solstice which also happens to coincide this year with the alignment of our Sun with the Galactic Equator.” Miller does not believe, however that this alignment will cause apocalypse, and astronomy experts at NASA agree with Miller. According to NASA’s website, “It’s almost a sidelight that the winter-solstice sun will never actually “eclipse” the galaxy’s true center, the point like radio source marking the Milky Way’s central black hole. Moreover, the winter-solstice sun won’t even pass closest to it on the sky for another 200 years. What did the Maya themselves think about End Times? There is no evidence that they saw the calendar and a world age ending in either transcendence or catastrophe on December 21, 2012.”

Some believers of the Mayan prophecy refer to Numerology and Mayan mathematics in an attempt to strengthen the argument for a myth that ends in destruction of the Earth as we know it. As a long time student of Numerology I disagree. By my calculations and interpretation regarding the date of 12/21/2012 this set of numbers reveal a day of great hope. The date itself is a Numerology “11”. This number is a Master number that denotes the beginning of a new era, a new teacher and shifting perspective. As a psychic I find this quite intriguing.   I view this as a start, not an end.

Metaphysical arguments aside, the “feeling” that these shifts are happening still persists within me and many others feel it too. What about that? Are we all wrong? We are feeling something, but perhaps it isn’t all bad, or even real at all.

Perhaps what we are feeling are the ripples of projections, of fear, that have infiltrated our current consciousness?

The Mayan civilization ended abruptly in what is known as the “Mayan Collapse”. Archaeologists have various theories on how an advanced culture of peoples almost completely vanished. This ancient civilization experienced periods of war among the Mayan city-states resulting in numerous deaths. Climate changes began due to clearing of Mayan lands to progress these cities, which brought drought and crop failure. Over population resulted in famine, corrupt and evil leaders took power, the civilization declined. Similar scenarios also happened in other points in history. Remember ancient Rome? Fast forward to present time. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar in light of beliefs held by the masses and reinforced by the media today? Global warming, widespread poverty, a pervasive sense of victim-hood and helplessness, and, at least in the U.S., as evidenced by the recent presidential election, a belief that our nation is polarized against itself and it’s only a matter of time before revolution breaks out amongst us. With this in mind it’s not too much of a stretch to understand why one in ten people choose to relate to and believe in this prophecy. It is a fear-based prophecy and today we live in a fear-based world.

The fear is so intense that any human being that is even remotely in touch with their soul can feel its palpability.

As we each consciously choose to focus on what is inside of us-in this moment-we slow down chaotic swirls of time and transition more gracefully into the shift of possibility, transcending the hopelessness of fear. As the population of our planet grows so do the opportunities, increasing the scenarios and events that are possible in numbers that are incalculable, endless. Why focus on the negative scenarios put forth by doomsday Mayan Prophecy 2012 myth mongers? Perhaps because it is easy?

The choice is yours and if your beliefs are anything like mine in foundation you will agree that our thoughts and beliefs manifest, becoming our perception of reality. Coincidentally, or perhaps not, the word “Maya” can also be found in ancient Sanskrit to mean “illusion” and in Eastern philosophy intermingles with the concept that the life we as humans believe to be real is only illusory and created from our own projections. In other words, there are no distinctions between the Universe and Ourselves. We are one.

I choose to believe that December 21, 2012 is a day of celebration as the Sun is returning in strength and bringing back light to those of us living in Montana and along with that light comes endless possibilities for new growth and new perspectives. Happy Winter Solstice!

To read more about Kathleen Johns’ work as a psychic and soul path advisor visit her website at