Bozeman Business & Professional Women’s Luncheon

Join us on November 20th for “Sorry, NOT Sorry; Communicating with Confidence” with Lori Addicks! Are you guilty of apologizing unnecessarily, using filler words that weaken or sabotage your message? Or what about hesitant or uncertainty in your tone of voice, or body language that telegraphs a lack of confidence? Weak language hinders us, drains our confidence, and blocks our success. Attendees will learn about frequently used words and phrases that keep us small, and undermine our credibility, confidence and effectiveness when communicating with others. In this presentation, we’ll explore aspects of our speech – the words and phrases we use and what we can do to kick our ineffective speech habits. While these bad speech habits are not exclusive to women, we certainly are frequent offenders of these speech tendencies in the workplace – far more often than men. Lori Addicks, President of Larkspur Group, is a consultant, master facilitator, and executive coach specializing in leadership, organization and team development, as well as multi-generational diversity. She has more than 25 years of experience partnering with senior executives in North America, and 60 countries across Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America to translate business goals into value-added people strategies across the spectrum of talent management. With expertise in selection, assessment, performance management, diversity and inclusion, team development and leadership development, she specializes in getting the right people in the right job at the right time. She knows how to inspire people to get the desired results, especially during times of transition. Her education and training include an undergraduate degree from Oregon State University, OD Certificate with University Associates, and a Certificate in Building Business Acumen from DePaul University. She holds numerous master certifications in leadership development curricula, and she is certified to administer and interpret the HBDI®, the Hogan Suite, the Birkman Method, and the Change Style Indicator assessments

Cost: $20 for members, $30 for non-members


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Wed. Nov. 20, 2019   11:30am-1pm

Riverside Country Club
2500 Springhill Road
Bozeman, MT 59718
(406) 587-5105