The Little Theatre That Does: Equinox

Tucked back along Bozeman’s north edge off 7th Avenue is a little theatre with a big presence. Equinox Theatre began its illustrious career 16 years ago with co founders Soren Kisiel and Katie Goodman. Although there were other acting troupes around the area already in place, Equinox would set itself apart in bringing off beat, modern, on (and off) Broadway shows to the stage. In its infancy, the theatre company got under way at the Emerson Arts and Cultural Center; but after a few years, the success of Equinox continued to escalate and eventually they needed more room. They moved into their present space at 2304 N. 7th Avenue, No. C-1, in 1999.
With the creation and overwhelming success of Broad Comedy, the theatre space that accommodates a stage and seating for only 90, was simply too small to hold the audiences that flocked to see the performances. It was a bittersweet decision, but co founders Katie and Soren felt it was time to move on and parted amiably with Equinox Theatre.

There have been many transformations and changes since those early days back in the 90’s. One of the most current significant changes is since the departure of the founders, there is an enthusiastic and talented new Artistic Director, namely, Erin Roberg. Erin has been an actor with the company for 11 years, spent 5 years as an employee, and most recently completed her first full year as Artistic Director. She also directs children’s shows, teaches Teen Theatre after school, and heads up a school residency program that brings theatre and improv into the area schools. Erin is delighted to say that there has been positive feedback from the teachers and parents who have children involved with the residency program, but the best response has been from the kids themselves.

“We teach them to trust their own thoughts and imaginations, building self esteem through a theatre foundation. Even the shyest kid in the class wants a speaking role, it is a gratifying experience with these kids.” Roberg expresses.

The Teen Theatre is an after school program for…well, obviously, teens, that rehearses for 6 weeks and finishes with a grand finale performance in both the fall and the winter. This last fall they brought the rousing musical ‘Footloose’ to the stage, and the winter show was the enigmatic Hitchcock classic ‘Dial M for Murder’. On Saturday mornings in the fall, winter and spring, Equinox hosts musical theatre and improv classes for 1st through 7th grade kids. The spring session starts on March 26 and runs through May 21, and Middle School Teen Theatre begins March 22nd. Sign up now and try a class out for free before committing to the whole session. Adults can get in on the fun too. At times to be determined throughout the year, there are improv and acting classes for those of you who are older than your teen years that would like to try your hand at the art of the thespian.
Calling all area writers, directors and actors!!! Each year Equinox hosts their annual One-Act Festival inviting all local talent to submit their original works. If chosen, the playwright can cast and direct their personal masterpiece to be performed at the One-Act showcase that is usually set for the beginning of the year. This past January was the 7th annual One-Act Festival. Featuring 4 diverse plays, it was a very creative collection, as well as a huge success. The outpouring of witty and intelligent talent that Bozeman has to offer is always appreciated and celebrated, and anyone that is interested in sharpening their pen and submitting for the 8th Annual One-Act Festival is most welcomed and encouraged.

Behind the scenes of the omnipresent Equinox actors, lies not only a hard working team of directors and staff, but a very motivated and capable Board of Directors. The Board makes the important decisions that relate to the Theater running smoothly and efficiently, and they actively fill in to help when and where ever they can; doing everything from choosing plays, scheduling rehearsals, ticket and ad sales, and scores of other essential duties.
An organization this size obviously depends on its ticket sales to keep its doors open, and although that is a great source of revenue, it is really only a small part of the resources they need to keep up and running. The Theatre’s main source of income relies on grants and donations from the community. Equinox has had recent success with their new theater sponsorship program, Stage Managers. Bennett Drozic, 3 year board member at large affirms, “We have had great luck with funding by doing more community outreach this last year. We are honored to have such generous contributors that appreciate what we do here every day.”

If you would like to find out more about the Stage Managers program and see the benefits of becoming a sponsor, please contact Erin Roberg at 406.587.0737, ext 3, or online at
Coming up, catch ‘True West’, the tragicomedy by Sam Shepard, performs through March 5th every Friday and Saturday night. Curtain time is 8pm and tickets are $12. ($10 for students). March 25th thru April 9th come out and see ‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’. And an absolute can’t miss is ‘The Rocky Horror Show’ set to perform April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Come bring the kids to the Saturday Children’s Matinee, ‘Silly Moose Improv’ on Saturdays at 2:00 pm from March 12th thru April 2nd. Matinee prices are only $5.00 for all ages!

Equinox invites you to come out and take in a play. Revisit the experience of sitting in the darkened theatre, the anticipation of the show, house lights lowering and stage lights coming up on a live reality that you can lose yourself in, if only for a little while. “Our mission is to create offbeat, thought-provoking, heart-inspiring theatre that is masterful in execution, empowering to children, teens and adults and evocative of our vibrant local community.” And Equinox has that down, to a T.

Stacey Faldetta is a contributing writer for Bozeman Magazine.