New Downtown Kiosks Installed
Recently, three informational directory kiosks were installed downtown to help residents and visitors navigate to and from all the businesses and amenities within the historic Main Street district. The Downtown Directory Kiosks contain a wayfinding map and business directory on one side and DBA event posters on the other. The map, directory and posters are protected within weather-proof display cases purchased from a national manufacturer. The kiosks were designed and fabricated locally by Intrinsik Architecture and Venture Fabrication.
The three kiosks are located at Soroptomist Park (along the northern edge adjacent to Main Street); Bridger Park Garage (outside the southwest entrance near Starky’s); and Willson Avenue and Main Street (at the northwest corner of Chalet Sports).
The Downtown Directory Kiosks is a central component of the Downtown Way-Finding Project. The Downtown Way-Finding Sign Project involves a series of inter-related informational and directional sign elements that will assist the public in locating: the downtown district; downtown public parking facilities; municipal and community amenities; and DBA member businesses.
The larger wayfinding project includes a variety of sign elements including: directional signage leading to downtown from other areas of town; directional signage within downtown leading to public parking; public parking identification signs locating parking lots; and directory kiosks.