Learning Really Reaches Beyond the Classroom

High school. The two word society that dominates every teenagers’ life, whether they know it or not. Right now I am driving through Yankee Jim Canyon on my way to Yellowstone, and I can’t help but realize that school starts in a mere number of days (I am writing this in late August). I have school supplies to buy, summer reading to finish (and start) and of course, a great new outfit to pick out so I make a good first impression. I have my schedule memorized; my locker picked out and am ready to go. Only I’m not quite ready to let go of the dog days of summer. I quite enjoyed the lazy days in Yellowstone, volunteering at Eagle Mount, meandering downtown and working.
As I make my way through Yellowstone, I realize how helpful the lessons we learn in school are, both academic and social. Walking through the Old Faithful lodge trying to find some ice cream brought out my crowd navigation skills, made sharp by the roughly 2,000 students walking feverishly through the halls to get to class on time. My German speaking and comprehending were challenged when a couple from Deutschland asked me to take their picture in broken English combined with German. My math skills were exercised when I had to add sales tax to every purchase I made. Needless to say, I was really surprised that the lessons I have been learning in high school have actually helped me in real life!

I am actually excited for this school year. I have some excellent classes and teachers. My friends and I are in many of the same classes, and I am excited to meet new people. The high school offers a variety of clubs to join – each offering free pizza and a chance to fellowship with people who have similar passions as you. Though I am a relatively shy person, I am looking forward to stepping out and joining clubs. There is Photo Club, Art Cub, and German Club, perhaps Young Republicans? The clubs cover a wide spectrum of interests and anyone can find a club that suits their interest. The high school is a melting pot of passions and the students are very motivated and outspoken about what they believe in.

The classes we have to choose from empower their students by giving them the skills they need to succeed. For the artist, there are a number of art classes including ceramics, jewelry, drawing and painting. The athletes can choose from, weight training, lifetime sport and health classes. There is creative writing classes, Wildlife Biology, AP classes for everyone and some multi-media classes like Hawk Tawk and Hawk TV. No matter what you are into, there are classes for you to take and enable you to succeed in your future.

As I prep myself for this coming year, I am thrilled to see what it will bring. The lessons we learn in all of our classes, and passing periods, will help guide us into our lives as adults. No matter what year of school you are going into, remember to embrace all the learning you can. You never know when you will be in Yellowstone and need to give a group of German tourists directions to the Paint Pots.

Chloe Nostrant is a student at Bozeman High School and photojournalism intern with Bozeman magazine.