D.R.E.A.M Buddy Walk

In 2009, several local parents who have children with Down syndrome created the group D.R.E.A.M. (Down syndrome research, education and advocacy in Montana). The D.R.E.A.M team originally organized to give support to each other and to celebrate the joys and concerns that come with having a child with special needs.

“It quickly grew from a support group to a group with goals,” says Amber Miller, one of the founding parents. The primary goal was to create a New Parent Packet to provide hospitals, birthing centers, doctor’s offices information they can share with parents who receive the news that their child has Down syndrome. Secondly, the group wanted to start a Buddy Walk in our area. The Buddy Walk is the main fundraiser for the National Down Syndrome Society and they are held in communities around the nation, with four in Montana. With the money raised from the walk, the group created a granting program available to families who have a loved one with Down syndrome that may need help with medical, therapeutic or educational purposes.

This year marks the second annual Buddy Walk in Bozeman and organizers are excited about the potential to build on the success of last year’s effort. In 2010, $7,500 was donated from 300 walkers who raise pledges in support of their efforts via the popular fundraising website firstgiving.com. Those that prefer to collect pledges off-line can turn them in on the day of the race. Pledge forms are found on the website listed below.

This year, organizers hope to raise $10,000 to provide grants. “We were so blessed last year to have such an overwhelming response that anything above and beyond that would be wonderful,” says Miller. “We are so thankful to have so much community support – we hope that everyone who came last year will bring a friend this year.” Yes, bring a friend or even two. It is, after all, a Buddy Walk!

Unlike other events in town, this isn’t a race, but rather a walk to celebrate the acceptance and inclusion of all people with Down syndrome. “If you walk in it you will understand how it is different,” says Miller. “When you look around at a sea of people in matching t-shirts all walking in support of their friends or family members …it is just so special.”

The National Down Syndrome Society receives a small percentage – 7% – of the funds raised to help raise awareness on a national scale. Ninety-three percent of all funds raised here in the valley stay in the valley to support local families. D.R.E.A.M. grants are awarded several times a year to help families pay for Life Flights, medical bills and therapeutic supplies. Last year, one family needed help paying for occupational, physical and speech therapy while another family had a child who required a Life Flight to Denver and yet another family needed financial help with a Life Flight to Seattle for heart surgery. All great examples of what can happen when a community pulls together to help each other.

This year, D.R.E.A.M has added a new grant. The Bertelsen Family Educational Grant, which is to be used for educational related services for people with Down syndrome, would provide support for tutors, camps or extracurricular educational events that can help children and adults with special needs.

What: 2nd Annual D.R.E.A.M Buddy Walk
When: Saturday, September 24, 2011 11:00 a.m. start, 10:00 am registration
Where: Dinosaur Park on West Oak Street, Bozeman
Register for $10 to receive a tee shirt. Raise more funds to increase your impact. For more information or to register online, visit www.dream-mt.org. Want to volunteer to set up or take registrations? Email dreambuddywalk@gmail.com

Chantel McCormick is a Bozeman resident who enjoys the wonderful events that bring this community together. She can be reached at montanasocialite@gmail.com.