Healthy Out West

The Bozeman area has grown to become a bit of a Mecca for alternative health care, to add to the list is Healthy Out West (H.O.W.) in Belgrade. Healthy Out West is a private health club offering health education services. While checking members on an individual basis Sherie Julian at H.O.W. asks the body “What Happened?” The non-invasive system of checking the body to determine the underlying causes of non-optimum health is simple and direct, with the body providing all of the information and feedback needed. Through Nutrition Response Testing Sherie checks each individual body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the bodies way of telling us what and how your nervous system is doing.

How does Sherie at Healthy Out West  get the body’s “reflex” information? Energy flows exist between all parts and organs of the body. These flows can become disrupted by a variety of reasons. This disruption is easily discovered with Nutrition Response Testing (NRT).

The NRT is conducted by contacting your extended arm with one hand, and contact the specific reflex with the other. If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm. A drop in the extended arm indicates dysfunction in the area, which can be affecting your health. The simple and direct testing is quick, easy and very effective.

Knowledge is Power. Nutrition Response Testing can tell a lot about how an individuals nervous system is effecting their overall wellness. H.O.W. has great success helping people with a variety of different physical situations. Each individuals effects on their body are caused by what has happened to them or what they have put into their body, NRT can pinpoint foreign and disruptive factors in the body, and point toward the answers for healing the body naturally and getting rid of what is in the way.

Healthy Out West members have seen a wide variety of results from Nutrition Response Testing here is what some of them had to say:

“When I came to see you for the first time I had muscle pain all over all the time. I had frequent head aches and always woke up tired and the back of my head hurt. This made it hard to function for at least an hour. After two weeks, I do not have any muscle pain. I woke up the other day with out any pain. It surprised me. Headaches are less frequent. I do have fatigue but it is getting better daily.”
Linda – Montana

“Before I came to Healthy Out West I had what I would consider severe IBS. It was hard to leave the house most days and I always felt uncomfortable. Just after a few weeks of seeing Sherie I  noticed a major difference. She helped me realize what foods my body didn’t like, and with the food supplements, the IBS has improved. I no longer found myself search for the bathrooms everywhere I went! Also, as if it couldn’t get any better, I lost 16 lbs in two months! After my great results, I started bringing my family along. I am thankful to get my children started there at an early age. My 3 year old son started with a very weak immune system and was getting sick every 3 weeks or so. Now he hasn’t been sick in at least 3 months!”
Brittney – Montana

“Some of the major health issues I have been dealing with over a period of time: herpes simlex, acid reflux, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and leg pain. I reached a point that I was not getting better but all of the above issues were increasing in severity. I always felt that my diet was a healthy one and I was doing all the right things, what a rude awakening I would be faced with. After 7 months I have progressed remarkably, acid reflux is nonexistent, the blood pressure numbers are lower, the severity of the herpes simplex and leg pain has been reduced to the point of being manageable, but continues to be a work in progress. The recommending reading material and maintaining a daily food intake log has been a tremendous personal educational tool in helping me to reduce my BMI, and lose a few pounds. Eating healthier and just finding that I feel much better with the passing of each day.”
Veronica – Montana

“In just two months after coming to Healthy Out West I feel like a completely different person. I have more energy and feel healthy. I can finally function and truly enjoy life!”
Carly – Montana

“I appreciate Sherie’s approach, no judgment. I feel validated with my issues. I’m on zero medications now, my blood pressure is back to normal, my stomach is good and my aches and pains are going away.”

“I had so much pain in my chest and rib cage, it hurt to lie down and to breathe. After seeing Sherie and taking the supplements she suggested I am back to 100%.”
David- Montana

If you are ready to check your body’s nervous system with Nutrition Response Testing, call Healthy Out West and become a member, soon you will be living a more optimal healthy life.
It’s understood that Nutrition Response Testing is not a method for “diagnosing” or “treating” of any disease including conditions of cancer, AIDS, Infections, or other medical conditions, and that these are not being tested for or treated.

The goal at H.O.W. is to help as many people as possible, to restore and maintain their optimum health safely and naturally. Healthy Out West is located at 90 W. Central Ave, Belgrade, MT. They can be reached at (406) 388-4444, and please be sure to mention this article for a 30% discount off your first session.