Montana-made documentary, Not Yet Begun to Fight, will air on MontanaPBS on November 9 at 7pm

On the heels of weeklong screenings in New York City and Los Angeles, Not Yet Begun to Fight, an unconventional look at the impact of war and the journey to recovery, will air on Montana PBS on November 9 at 7pm, and nationwide on PBS’ World Channel at various times November 11, 12, 16 and 17.

Not Yet Begun to Fight has sold out numerous screenings across the country, has won a variety of festival awards and has received high critical praise, including 3.5/4 stars and “Two Thumbs Up” from the Chicago Sun-Times. It was also selected by Roger Ebert as one of 12 feature films shown at his annual film festival Ebertfest.

Not Yet Begun to Fight focuses on five warriors who join retired Marine Colonel Eric Hastings for a week of fly-fishing in Montana through the Warriors and Quiet Waters Foundation. Hastings, who flew missions “high above the death and destruction” in Vietnam, returned home to Montana in 1969 battling dark dreams. His solace was fly-fishing: “When I came back from combat, I found I needed relief, and the more I went fly-fishing, the more I knew I needed more of it,” Hastings said. “It became an absolute desperate physical and mental need, and I had to do it, or I was going to kill someone.”