Acoustic Roots/Reggae duo from Southcentral Montana

Brian Ripple

“Satsang’s uptempo and politically charged acoustic rock blended with
doses of ska equals = ‘Mountain Reggae’...  Their debut album
In Between the Blinks is a musical exploration into the spiritual sounds of Montana Roots Music. Drawing on influences as varied as Peter Tosh to Sublime, a clear message resonates within the album. If you’re a fan of positive vibes, heartfelt lyrics and well constructed acoustic songs, definitely check out Satsang’s In Between the Blinks”  - Garrett & Angela Robinson

BM - Where does the name Satsang come from?

Drew - The name Satsang, is a Sanskrit word. It essentially translates to “in the company of the highest truth” Sadhus, Gurus, Yogis would also commune together, or have these meetings if you will. Where they would sit and discuss text, teachings etc. and try to boil things down to the ultimate truth, these were called Satsangs. We want the community we are building to echo that idea. To be and seek truth. Have those tough discussions and get down to the real Truth of it all.

BM - Do you ever foresee adding additional full time members, or will this project always be the way it is now?

Drew - David and I have talked about adding people. It would have to be a very very organic fit and happen very naturally. We have no plans to add any permanent members as of now. We have talked about hiring an upright bass player and percussionist when we tour at some point. We will see what happens :-)

BM - Where do you feel Acoustic Reggae / Roots Music fits into the Montana Music Scene?

Drew - That is a tough question. I haven’t seen much MT Reggae at all, especially not Acoustic Reggae. I think one thing that makes Satsang work so well is the way that David and I work together. My emphasis is on the Message, I obviously try to make the music appealing as well, but David is really what makes it sound so different and full. I feel like Conscious Music is on the rise, and people are craving lyrical substance, I feel like that is going to be a fit everywhere and hopefully here at home as well. We are proud to be from MT, this is our home.

BM - What are Satsang’s immediate plans for the next six months or so?

Drew - We have a busy year coming up. We will be on tour supporting the new record for the rest of Oct and pretty much all of November. Up Montana, through Pacific NW, down the coast, back through ID, UT, CO, etc. In Feb we will be touring in Hawaii with Drew Misik (of New Reb) there could also be some amazing surprise shows with some friends we have made down there, still being lined out. From HI we fly to New England to tour up there. Be back in time for Spring Powder Skiing in late March/Early April. May and June in the Mid West and then Festival Season. We are stoked.

BM - Do you have any local shows in November or December to let us in on?

Drew - We will be on tour out of state all of November. There is a Holiday show being set up in Billings and there are also plans of New Years in Bozeman.

BM - Great, we will look forward to those shows! Thanks.   

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