BFF Film: Mistaken for Strangers
Directed by: Tom Berninger :: USA
In English
Documentary :: Rated NR :: 75 minutes
"Brilliant…your enjoyment of Mistaken For Strangers will have nothing to do with your knowledge of the National." Huffington Post
The MSU School of Film and Photography and the BFF are excited to announce a special guest appearance and screening of SFP alumni, Director Tom Berninger's, first feature film, Mistaken For Strangers. Berninger will introduce the film and stay for a Q&A.
In 2010, rock band The National were about to embark on the biggest tour of their career. After ten years as a band, and five critically acclaimed albums, they were finally enjoying wider recognition. Lead singer Matt Berninger invited his younger brother, Tom, to join the tour's crew. A budding horror filmmaker, Tom - who is nine years younger than Matt and listens exclusively to heavy metal - decided to bring his camera along. Tom's at sea in the world of indie rock, and living in his brother's shadow brings out the younger sibling in him - he drinks, complains, and struggles to balance his ambition with his tour responsibilities. The result is a film about brothers and about making something of your own in what may be the funniest, most meta music movie since Spinal Tap.
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Wed. Feb. 19, 2014 7:30pm