Class: Developing employee-training programs

Montana State University's Extended University will offer a 4-hour class on Thursday, June 12, for people who want to develop a training program for the employees of their organization.
The course, "A Human Resource Toolbox: A Training Process and Facilitation Skills," introduces participants to a step-by-step approach to developing and implementing a structured training program for organizations of any size. The process is a strategic-, goal- and results-oriented approach to training. Participants will practice 15 different actions steps, taking on the role of trainer, learner, coach and supervisor. All participants receive a copy of "A Guide to Develop and Implement Training: The ASTAR Training Process" (a $24.95 retail value), which includes user-friendly templates and trainer's tips.
The course is co-sponsored and hosted by the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, 2000 Commerce Way. The class will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with check-in starting at 8:15 a.m.
The instructor is Barbara Zuck, a professor of business at MSU-Northern who teaches courses such as Human Resource Management and Leadership with emphases on training, organizational development and change management. She has worked at several large national organizations, including National Cash Register, SuperValu, Nestlè USA and Coca-Cola Bottling Company. She honed her coaching skills while working on a training project funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The project served small businesses and non-for-profit organizations, including MasterLube, Hanser's Automotive and Wrecker Company, Rimrock Inn, United Way and Eagle Mount.
Zuck received a bachelor's degree in economics from Luther College in Iowa, a master's in public administration from Portland State University and a doctorate in education from Montana State University.
The course is $25 and is capped at 15 participants.
Register for the course at

Cost: $25


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Thu. Jun. 12, 2014   8:30am-12:30pm

Bozeman Chamber of Commerce
2000 Commerce Way
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 586-5421