Urban Headsteading Series: Composting and Soil Maintenance

This series offered throughout the summer will open your eyes to the possibilities of your own urban homestead.  Take all the classes or just one.  Due to popularity, some programs are each offered twice. Pre-registration is required.  Space is limited.

Discover the value of producing your own compost and understanding your soil structure. Learn the art of correct composting and improving your soils in this informative workshop. Ask the pros all your questions and begin growing a better garden. Instructor: Toby Day

Tuesday, June 17 | 6-8pm | $5 for members, $8 for non-members.

Cost: $5/8


This event is over.

Tue. Jun. 17, 2014   6-8pm

Museum of the Rockies
600 West Kagy Boulevard
Bozeman, MT 59717
(406) 994-2251