Gallatin Art Crossing Lecture
Ryan Rickert, founder of Clean Slate Group, will talk about the artistic renderings of the electrical and traffic boxes found throughout the Gallatin Valley and as part of Gallatin Art Crossing’s A.R.T. Project. This is the second of the monthly Art Lectures hosted at the Bozeman Public Library on Tuesday, March 24, 7pm in the Large Community Room. The goal of A.R.T. is to add vibrant public art to the streetscape and decrease the instances of graffiti, poster, and sticker vandalism on traffic control boxes. Once applied with art, rather than attracting vandalism the boxes will be functional pieces of public art that contribute significantly to the vitality and attractiveness of the downtown streetscape. Ryan will talk about the his company and how his vision has enhanced downtown and the Library property. The free lecture series is co-sponsored by the Bozeman Library Foundation who shares the goal of the Gallatin Art Crossing to display public art and encourage community involvement and interaction with the art, for the benefit of the public. To learn more, contact Paula at 582-2426.
Cost: Free
This event is over.
Tue. Mar. 24, 2015 7pm
Bozeman Public Library626 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 582-2400