Bobcat Brewfest

Date:  April 18, 2015, in conjunction with the Sonny Holland Spring Game at Bobcat Stadium 

Time:  11:00 am - 3:00 pm; one hour prior to kick-off, during the scrimmage, and will conclude one hour after the scrimmage

Cost:  Cost for the event is $30.  This will include ten, four ounce pours of beer and a brat or hot dog.  Tickets can only be purchased at the event.  Additional tickets will be available for purchase. Attendees will be able to take their beer into the endzone seats to enjoy the final spring football scrimmage.

Additional Info:  Entrance to the event will be available ONLY via the Pulfrey Gate located in the southeast corner of Bobcat Stadium.  Parking is encouraged in the east tailgate lots.  Upon arrival at the Pulfrey Gate, attendees will have the opportunity to provide proof of legal age, pay, and receive the official cup, drink ticket, and wristband. 

After the event, attendees can take their Bobcat Brewfest cup to either Spectators or the Pour House for a complementary draft beer.

Plonk Catering will be verifying the age of all participants and serving the beer.  Security will be stationed throughout the venue to ensure that product stays inside the event area and that only individuals with the official cup, drink ticket and wristband are consuming the beer.

Cost: $30

Age: 21+


This event is over.

Sat. Apr. 18, 2015   11am-3pm

Bobcat Stadium
1 Bobcat Circle
Bozeman, MT 59717
(406) 994-4221