Move-In Day

Move-In Day is here once again, marking the beginning of an exciting new year for MSU and the Bozeman community. We invite you to join us in helping incoming students and Bobcat families move into their residence halls, and celebrate the first day of this new chapter in their lives. This is a great opportunity to meet new students, their families, community members, and others that make MSU a home for so many.

More than 3,900 students and their families will need your help. We ask that volunteers dedicate just over two hours of their time to help make this a great day for our incoming students.

If you are able to volunteer, please RSVP at or contact Adam Arlint in the Office of the President at 406-994-2341, or at


This event is over.

Wed. Aug. 19, 2015   9am-3pm

MSU Dorms
Bozeman, MT