Author Event with David Neiwert

Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us takes on the orca and details what we have learned from studying them closely in their habitat for the past 40 years—in a way that’s readable and understandable to the broader public. This in-depth book is a mix of cultural history, environmental reporting, and scientific research.
David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle. He is the author of many books, including And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border and Strawberry Days: How Internment Destroyed a Japanese American Community. His reportage for on domestic terrorism won him the National Press Club Award for Distinguished Online Journalism. Neiwert is also the senior editor of Crooks and Liars.

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Thu. Aug. 20, 2015   7pm

Country Bookshelf
28 W. Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 587-0166