Laundry for Strangers Book Signing

Sunday, Aug 30:  Creighton Block Gallery, 88 Ousel Falls Road, Big Sky, MT 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Laundry for Strangers is my artist's offering to you of the deepest and craziest parts of my journey deep down into myself over the last few years. I believe you will glean here some helpful insights into our mutually personal and universal explorations. Of course, your journeys are different than mine. However, reaching the levels of truth while drilling down this deep takes courage, and it is equally hard for all of us. But the reward is there -- personal freedom!


I share images and words in my Laundry which exploded up directly from my wildest dream states, the source from where my artwork has always come. From those turbulent places arise hidden and sentient memories of violence and ecstasy, revelations and...well, nothing less than the entire jaggedness of our collective unconscious -- the stuff not readily available in our everyday lives. It's a tempestuous tale indeed!    


Elmar Biebl, Journalist with The Hollywood Foreign Press, said to me about this work in progress in 2012: "You have to create an island from the volcano. The lava is coming. It is orgiastic!" He was right. I have touched madness and recorded the flood.


Your support of this book is very important to me. I trust that Laundry for Strangers will open new artistic and personal vistas for you and for the public at large. I really look forward to getting the published book into your hands now.

This event is over.

Sun. Aug. 30, 2015   1-3pm

Creighton Block Gallery
88 Ousel Falls Road
Big Sky, MT