Signs Of Suicide Parent Informational Meetings

Karl Rosston, Montana Suicide Prevention Coordinator will be

addressing the very important topics of depression and suicide

among our youth.  Karl’s presentation focuses on suicide within our

culture with specific attention towards young people.  The

presentation covers national and Montana data, demographics of a

suicidal person, warning signs, risk assessment, training on how to

intervene with a suicidal person, evidenced-based practices, and

resources available. This presentation is of value to any parent no

matter what age their child is presently.  

Bozeman School District staff will share how the Signs of Suicide

(SOS) program is being implemented in the school .


This event is over.

Tue. Nov. 17, 2015   noon-1pm

First Security Bank
670 S. 19th Ave.
Bozeman, mt