1st Annual Warming Hut Races

On Saturday, February 20th from 2-7 pm teams will compete in the first annual "Warming Hut Races."  Teams will be invited to construct "warming huts" or small shed-sized units on skis or other modes of maneuvering the units on snow.  These huts will be pushed and teams will compete in a short race along a track.  Team members push (or drag) their themed huts down a racetrack. 

This event is free for the public and will be quite the spectacle!

Team entry fee - All proceeds benefit
HRDC's Warming Center 

$100.00 MSU Registered Student Organizations/Non-Profit/Community Members
$200.00 for Businesses/For-Profit Organizations
All teams will receive WHR swag!
For more information, contact Robin Mayer at (406) 585-4853 or  
rmayer@thehrdc.org or visit www.thehrdc.org to register.

Cost: $100 team, free to watch


This event is over.

Sat. Feb. 20, 2016   2-7pm
