Bobcat Fest

Always on the last Friday of the Spring Semester, Bobcat Fest is an annual gathering of MSU students, faculty and the Bozeman community on Main Street in Downtown Bozeman.  We close down Main Street to invite everyone to enjoy free food, live music and fun!  Some activities include: “Senior Send-Off” glasses and beverage tickets, over 1500 free Bobcat Spirit t-shirts, koozies, raffles and more!  Also, watch the 6th Annual Pizza Eating Contest starting at 6pm! 

CLICK HERE if you are interested in becoming one of the MANY supporters of the Annual Bobcat Fest!

For more information contact Downtown Bozeman Partnership at 406-586-4008 or or the MSU Alumni Office at 994-2401 or

Cost: Free


This event is over.

Fri. Apr. 29, 2016   5-8pm

Downtown Bozeman
Bozeman, MT