Online Privacy

Do you really need to be concerned about online privacy? You may not understand how important an issue this is until you’re caught in a situation where you wish, wish, wish you had taken precautionary measures, known more. Invest just two hours of your time and get clear on how to better keep your private information, well, private. Find out your best choices in internet connection including public-access WiFi. Review best practices for web browsing, email and social media. Learn the best and most secure ways to share files online. Leave class empowered to make truly essential changes in how you interact with the internet. 

Cost: FREE

Age: 18+


This event is over.

Sat. Jun. 11, 2016   10am-noon

F-11 Photo & The Print Refinery™
2612 West Main
Bozeman, MT 59715
(888) 548-0203