Second Annual Dead Poets Slam

It's nearing that time of year where we dress up in costumes to keep the spirits of the long-dead away to protect our crops, but as you all know, this is not how BPC DOES THINGS! We want to invite the spirits of the dead -- dead poets, that is -- into a public space where we enjoy things like tea, poetry/spoken word, and community. It is coming time for our Second Annual DEAD POETS SLAM!!! Mark it in your calendar.

Dust off all your Poe from your bookshelf and read it cover to cover to get yourself in the spirit and join us on OCTOBER, 28TH 2016 at TOWNSHEND'S BOZEMAN TEAHOUSE. The evening will begin with a single round of a Dead Poets Slam followed by a normal 3-round Slam competition (see below). If you want to participate, please contact us at:

DEAD POETS SLAM: Pick a poem by an old soul and put your own performance twist on it. The only rules (beyond normal slam competition rules) are: 1) The poet must be dead. 2) Credit the poet at the beginning of your performance (timer won't start until you start the poem). 3) Don't kill any currently living poets. Winner of the Dead Poets Slam will recieve a cash prize.

SLAM COMPETITION: 1) Have 3 poems ready to go. Though memorization is not required, your performance will be much better if you do memorize. Reading off paper/electronic devices is allowed. 2) All participants will perform in the first round. Half will advance to the second round. And the two/three finalists will advance to the third round. 3) Winner of the third round will win a cash prize.


This event is over.

Fri. Oct. 28, 2016   6:30-9:30pm

Steep Mountain Teahouse
402 E Main St
Bozeman, MT 58715
(406) 577-2740