There's No Place Like Home...For Sexuality Education

Teens consistently say that parents most influence their decisions surrounding sex, but many parents feel unprepared to have these conversations. Bridgercare is piloting a Parent Education Workshop to help parents (with children of all ages) learn to tackle these important subjects. Contact Cami (587-0681, ext. 13, if you’d be interested in attending a three-hour workshop to help you: • Overcome your fear of “The Talk” • Learn age-appropriate topics and practical skills to help you effectively communicate with your kids about love, sex and relationships • Solidify your own values regarding sexuality and learn how to communicate those values to your children • Practice these conversations in an open and empowering atmosphere It’s never too early to start a conversation with your kids about love, sex and relationships. After all, if you don’t teach them about these issues, who will?

Cost: FREE

Age: Parents


This event is over.

Sat. Nov. 19, 2016   9am-noon

For More Information
 Cami Armijo-Grover
 (406) 587-0681

Bozeman Fire Station #3
1705 Vaquero Pkwy
Bozeman, MT 59715