Exercises for Consciousness

How much of your life you spend trying to figure out the right way to create something? Exercises of Consciousness is a way to practice and learn how to access to your inner wisdom and create from that space of infinite possibilities. What if using complete and deep relaxation, awareness and willingness to play with what is available to change and create what we desaire is actually moving to a different way of BEing. Exercises of Consciousness is something similar to a guided meditation, or a energy processing but completely different. Join us in this practice to turn on your awareness and create with everything that you are connected with to change your reality with choices and possibilities. Are you ready, willing and able to explore consciousness?

Cost: $20 adults


This event is over.

Every Wednesday until Dec. 21, 7-8pm

For More Information
 Yuryra Guzman Robles
 (406) 209-4687

Kaya Yoga
19N 10th Ave
Bozeman, MT 59719