Saturday Dance Social

Come kick the month off with a fun & friendly casual dance! The perfect opportunity to practice your moves, meet new people.. and warm up if you’re planning to catch a live band later in the evening! All social dancers and families welcome. No partner? No problem! SHORT INTRO LESSON AT 7:00pm for anyone new to dance or needing a refresher. Invite a friend! Different dance style lesson each month. OPEN DANCING AT 7:30 PM – Upbeat DJ’ed mix of country, swing, blues, ballroom and latin tunes, with an emphasis on contemporary music and a popular line dance or two:) Bring your favorite beverage, and snacks are also welcome for the social! Casual attire. Please bring clean, dry shoes for the dance floor. at The MAC (Kagy at S. 22nd) $5.00 at the door (children under age 14 free)

Cost: $5

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

First Saturday until May. 6, 7-10pm
