Dr. Watson Question and Answer Session

The Board of Trustees would like to invite interested parents and other community members to a question and answer session regarding the high school bond request and the upcoming school election.  There will be an opportunity to view the latest concept designs and ask questions about the various components in the design.  Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters on April 17 and are due back to the county election office on May 2.
You can:
Join the staff at Meadowlark Elementary when Dr. Watson will be here to talk about the new high school on Thursday, March 30th at 3:40in the library.
Or attend:
Bozeman School District
Public Information Session regarding the May 2 School Election
Tuesday, April 18, 6-8pm
Bozeman High School, South Cafeteria

This event is over.

Thu. Mar. 30, 2017   3:40pm

Bozeman Public Library
626 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 582-2400