GVLT Discovery Walk: Walking with Babies and Toddlers

Meet at the entrance to Peets Hill in the parking lot off of S. Church Ave. Join Health in Motion Physical Therapy and Wellness to get tips for the “back-aching” challenges of walking and hiking with kiddos present. Work on gait, posture, core, and stability whether carrying your little one on your back, pushing a stroller, or bending over to keep them from falling off their trike. We’ll show you how to walk without stressing your neck and back while addressing weaknesses of the post-birth body. New parents, aunties, uncles, nannies, grandparents welcome! Visit www.gvlt.org/events/discovery-walks for more information.


This event is over.

Wed. May. 24, 2017   9-10am

Gallagator Trail
S. Church Ave.
Bozeman, MT