Dismantling Hatred - Skills & Strategies You Can Use

This workshop will enable you to develop skills and strategies to dismantle hatred towards historically disadvantaged and marginalized peoples.

You will gain awareness of key terms, and history, and your cultural lens. You’ll also develop the ability and equanimity to recognize and deal with racism, bigotry and prejudice whenever you encounter it.

  • Bring Your Own Lunch. Drinks, including coffee and herbal teas will be provided.
  • The workshop will be conducted in the classroom of Shining Mountains Lutheran Church.

NOTE: The Montana Racial Equity Project is not affiliated with Shining Mountains Lutheran Church or any other religious institution.

Please complete the registration form (below) and mail it back to us with your payment (address at the bottom of the form) or scan and email it back to us at info@themtrep.org. Payment may be made by using our PayPal DONATE button at the top left of our home page.

Thank you!


This event is over.

Sat. Jun. 3, 2017   9am-3pm

Shining Mountains Lutheran Church
1710 Vaquero Parkway
Bozeman, MT