Directed by Bozeman local Phillip Baribeau, Charged chronicles the journey of chef and outdoorsman Eduardo Garcia, and his recovery, after being electrocuted by 2400 volts of electricity, miles from help, in the Montana backcountry. Garcia lost his hand, ribs, muscle mass, and nearly his life, but more important than what he lost is what he found.Charged tells Eduardo's remarkable story, from getting up off the forest floor to becoming the man he is today. Starring Eduardo Garcia, Jennifer Jane, Corinne Jane, Manuel Garcia, Kathie Garcia, Indra Fanuzzi, and Eugene Garcia. 83 minutes.After each screening, there will be a Q & A with the entire cast and crew.
Cost: $21
This event is over.
Sat. Aug. 5, 2017 5:30pm
Sat. Aug. 5, 2017 8pm
The Ellen Theatre17 W. Main St.
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 585-5885