"Pink" Feminist Art Show Reception

Goodman’s Pink paintings at Wild Joe’s in September A series of feminist paintings by Bozeman artist Marla Goodman are featured this September at Wild Joe’s Coffee Spot. Goodman created the series as a personal response to current events. Her large, acrylic paintings depict nostalgic images of women on vibrant fields of pink-tinted gesso. Goodman, who grew up in a rural area south of Bozeman, acknowledges a connection between her bucolic upbringing and an ongoing interest in painting idyllic images plucked from the “lost world” of the past. Compelled to look for beauty without sacrificing truth, she often contrasts apparently simpler times with an awareness of current struggles. In response to the Women’s March of January 2017, Goodman began exploring the ideas of beauty and traditional handwork as statements of quiet but unyielding protest. Her dramatic pink renderings of female subjects captured in moments of gentle friendship are her statement against sexism, racism, faithism, greed, lies, destructiveness and willful ignorance. Goodman’s “Pink” series will hang at Wild Joe’s Coffee Spot, 18 W. Main, throughout September, with a reception during the Friday, September 8 Downtown Bozeman art walk. Additional works and information are published at goodwerks.wordpress.com

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Fri. Sep. 8, 2017   6-8pm

Wild Joe's Coffee Spot
18 W Main St
Bozeman, MT 59715-4643
(406) 586-1212