Live and Let Livingston's 9th Annual Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and many of us are gearing up to enjoy our annual autumn feast. Fortunately for the animals, we can leave them off the table while enjoying our decadent, flavorful favorites - and giving thanks for what we have. Factory farms are frightful, but vegan food is so delightful! From creamy mashed potatoes to savory stuffing, eating cruelty-free over the holidays is not only easy and delicious - it just make sense. The monthly Live and Let Livingston Vegan Food Potluck will take place at the Park County Senior Center, 206 South Main Street, on Sunday, November 12 at 4:30pm. Everyone is welcome; attendees don’t have to be vegan - but the food does. The (always optional) theme this month will be THANKSGIVING FAVORITES, and the recipe demo this time will be Homemade Holiday Seasoning Mix. Potluck attendees don’t have to be vegan, but the food does. They are asked to bring a 100% plant-based dish free of flesh, eggs, animal-derived dairy, honey, and gelatin. People are also asked to bring their recipe or a list of all ingredients used, (for the benefit of those with food allergies). The theme is always optional, and those who don't want to cook can bring something to drink. Live and Let Livingston meets on the second Sunday of every month, at 4:30pm. Delicious food, educational resources, and recipes are shared with those who care about their health, the planet, and most of all, the animals. Plates, cups, utensils, napkins, and warming trays are provided, along with hot tea, coffee, and non-dairy cream. Anywhere from 2-4 dozen people attend and there are usually several gluten-free and raw dishes offered, along with the inevitable… cupcakes! For more information or cruelty-free recipes, join Live and Let Livingston and Plant-Powered 406 on Facebook, Vegans Rock Montana on, or call Bonnie Goodman at 222-0321 to be added to the monthly recipe/evite list.

This event is over.

Sun. Nov. 12, 2017   4:30am-7pm

For More Information
 Bonnie Goodman
 (406) 222-0321

Park County Senior Center
206 South Main St.
Livingston, MT 59047