CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1)

In this workshop you'll learn gentle techniques to normalize the craniosacral system and allow the body to self-correct. By unraveling pain and dysfunction at the source, you'll naturally help eliminate stress, strengthen resistance to disease, and enhance health in every dimension. Course Highlights: By the end of this 4-day workshop you should be able to: • Describe the scientific foundation and principles of CranioSacral Therapy - and why it's the key to relieving pain and dysfunction at their source • Demonstrate finely tuned palpation skills you can rely on as highly sensitive and intuitive healthcare tools • Identify the subtle craniosacral rhythm and interpret its patterns to accurately evaluate dysfunction and improvements • Locate the source of physical problems by traveling through the fascial system, that complex web of tissue that impacts all body structures and systems • Release dural tube restrictions to enhance interactions between the central nervous system and the rest of the body • Use techniques that produce dramatic health and relaxation effects, including Direction of Energy and Still-Point Induction • Work with approaches to a number of common ailments such as TMJ dysfunction, head and neck pain, central nervous system disorders and many more • Put a simple, effective 10-Step Protocol into practice right away

Cost: $795; Save up to $200 with early registration at

Age: Adults


This event is over.

Thu. Feb. 22, 2018   8am-5:30pm

For More Information
 Michele Metzger
 (800) 233-5880

Best Western
1325 N 7th Avenue
Bozeman, MT 59715