Sustaining the New West Conference

On June 5th, Future West is hosting our Second Sustaining the New West Conference. This year the theme is “Bold Visions-Inspiring Actions,” and the major focus is on envisioning and identifying actions we can ALL take to achieve a sustainable future.

The conference will begin with an overview of current and projected development trends. Presenters will reflect on the challenges facing their component of our landscape, but then offer an alternative vision and suggested steps we can take in achieving that vision. In the afternoon we will highlight case studies of on-the-ground efforts to address these challenges and create these alternative visions. Audience members leave with an understanding how to think on a regional scale.

Change is inevitable. It can happen by default, or by design. Join us as we identify a vision for the future of our communities, rural landscapes, and wildlands.

Early bird tickets: $35 (until May 24); Regular tickets: $45

Register at

Cost: $35 (until May 24); Regular tickets: $45


This event is over.

Wed. Jun. 5, 2019   8am-7pm

The Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture
111 South Grand Ave
Bozeman, MT 59718
(406) 587-9797