Conversations on Climate Stress

Climate stress is real.
Its push is harder every day.
As parents.
As community leaders.
As citizens who care.

Join award winning science author, Gary Ferguson and sociocultural and developmental psychologist, Mary M Clare, Ph.D. for frank and practical conversation on the fear and confusion arising with climate change.
Of course we’re confused! We’ve never been in this position before.

Ferguson and Clare, originators of Full Ecology ( will facilitate this Friday afternoon discussion. Clare has years of experience with community conversations, focused on building alliances for practical solutions. At the same time, Ferguson brings to our gathering a deep knowledge of climate realities.

About the presenters:

Mary has helped communities and complex organizations work with thorny issues of social and environmental justice – for over 30 years, she has successfully assisted groups as diverse as top-brass government leaders and migrant farm-working communities as they have pursued problem solution and prevention.

Gary brings his deep knowledge of contemporary science and climate change. His recent book Land on Fire has won acclaim and adoption by community and fire fighting organizations. In October 2019 his newest book, Eight Master Lessons of Nature will be released by Penguin Random House.

Mary and Gary have recently completed their book, Full Ecology – Reclaiming Your Human Nature, due out from Heyday Books in 2020.

For more information, visit:

Cost: FREE


This event is over.

Fri. Oct. 4, 2019   4-6pm

Bozeman Public Library
626 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 582-2400