Running on Empty? Improving Energy for the Whole Family

Are you or your family members constantly low on energy, anxious and stressed and feel there is never enough time for the things you want to be doing? This workshop focuses on 3 key wellness areas proven to improve energy and resilience and includes practical strategies to immediately implement change in you and your family’s life. You will learn: * Latest research regarding sleep, nutrition and fitness to improve energy * How to set boundaries and stick with them * 10 Strategies that result in happiness, contentedness and stress reduction Sarah Baumgartner is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Exercise Physiologist and has over 5 years experience helping individuals improve their health and well – being through behavior modification, goal setting and individualized support. She is the owner of Simply Balanced Wellness, LLC and primarily serves working parents and employers in the areas of energy management and resilience.

Cost: $10 (bring your spouse for free!)

Age: 16+


This event is over.

Wed. Nov. 13, 2019   6-8pm

For More Information
 Melissa Kuchynka

Gallatin Gateway School
100 Mill Street
Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730