Food Freedom x Body Kindness // A Conversation

Join therapists, Sarah Blessum and Joanna Townsend, as we facilitate a conversation on navigating a peaceful relationship with food, your body, and yourself over the holidays. The holidays can be challenging and difficult for so many of us. So we're holding space for a warm yet informative discussion on practicing self-compassion, gentle nourishment, body kindness, and radical self-love amidst triggers, anxiety, and shame. We see ourselves as humans first, and therapists second. So we are looking forward to connecting with the community about a pertinent topic that not only we specialize in as professionals, but also one that hits close to home in our personal journeys. This event will be a safe space free from diet culture and inclusive for all body sizes, ages, races, ethnicities, gender identities, and sexual orientations.

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Wed. Nov. 20, 2019   6-7:30pm

For More Information
 Joanna Townsend
 (406) 201-5790

Gildhouse Suites
304 Gallatin Park Drive
Bozeman, MT 59715