Israel: Before, During, and After the Time of Jesus

Come and relive history that happened many centuries ago and see modern Israel. 

Jay Mennenga will present a program about his recent trip to Israel entitled "Israel: Before, During, and After the Time of Jesus." Viewers will experience a powerpoint presentation about what he saw and learned, including the ancient civilizations of Meggido, Beit Shean, City of David, and Rome; the places where Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected, including the Sea of Galilee, Caesarea Philippi, Capernaum, and in Jerusalem: the Wailing Wall, Temple Mount, Garden of Gethsemane, and the Garden Tomb. Contemporary sites include the Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, Holocaust Museum, and a Druze community. 


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Mon. Dec. 9, 2019   6-7:30pm

Bozeman Public Library
626 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 582-2400