Parenting Workshop: Rethinking Dadhood

Wednesday, February 12, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM with Patrick Duganz,
Father Engagement Specialist at Gallatin City-County Health Department

The world of 2019 is much different than the 1950’s when the average dad spent about three hours taking care of kids per  week. Now men are expected to work, take up half of the household duties, and be present and attentive caregivers for children as much as possible. That’s a huge shift in just a few generations, and one that’s still taking place. Whether it’s rethinking masculinity,  or a new era of hashtags, men are being asked to change. So let’s have a frank discussion on what that means for the most important role many men will undertake in their lives: being a dad. In “Rethinking Dadhood” we will talk about emotions, toughness, crying, and being the solid rock for kids.

The information shared in the class will be primarily about children aged 0-5.

Patrick Duganz works as a Father Engagement Specialist with the Gallatin City-County Health Department, helping men in the community grow in their roles as parents. When not teaching dads, he can  be found with his wife and son, and a misbehaving dog. 

These free programs are open to parents, caregivers, and grandparents. Thanks to the Friends of the Library and the Library Foundation for supporting our monthly parenting programs.

Questions? Please contact the Children's Library at (406) 582-2404.

Cost: FREE


This event is over.

Wed. Feb. 12, 2020   6-8pm

Bozeman Public Library
626 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 582-2400