Wellness Wander

Small Group - guided nature walk Slow Down and Connect with yourself and nature Nature connection experiences including Nature Art + Mindfulness Improved Wellbeing - Calm, Clarity, Connection Nature Connection Rituals to use in your daily life Why go Wild? Mind: Clarity. Feel calmer, happier, more joyful. Mindfulness - mentally slow down. Unplug from devices. Body: Stretch and move your body. Fresh air - improves breathing. Grounding to the earth reduces muscle tension and inflammation, improves energy and improves sleep quality. Soul: Re-connect with you. Be truly present. Hear your soul whispers. Slow down. Gain clarity. Connect with like-minded ladies.

Cost: $25

Age: 18+


This event is over.

Wed. May. 20, 2020   6-7:30pm

For More Information
 Diana Proemm
 (210) 400-0024

Triple Tree Trail
5974 Sourdough Rd,
Bozeman, MT 59715