Learning Lunches: Getting Started in Excel

Join us at 12:30 pm on Tuesdays for an hour-long lesson to help you develop your technology skills. In February,  the Learning Lunches will be covering Microsoft Excel.

Online Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89268685104?pwd=VHhWS3VUUUJCUGlSekFyUG4vZXJCZz09

Contact Brianna at brussell@bozeman.net for more information.  


February 2: Getting Started in Excel

Get started in Microsoft Excel and learn the basic features you need to start confidently creating your own workbooks and worksheets.  Topics include: Formatting, Formulas, Functions, and Tables.

February 9: Beyond the Basics in Excel

Expand your skills to help you get more out of Microsoft Excel and learn more of its features.  Topics include: Charts, Workbooks and Worksheets, and Power Functions.

February 16: Deep in the Data

Learn how to make Microsoft Excel work for you by managing and analyzing your data.  Topics include: Data Management, Data Analysis, Pivot Tables, and Macros.

February 23: Pivot Tables - Making Data Dynamic

A Pivot table summarizes data easily. They can assist in finding data patterns and creating accurate reports faster.  Learn the basics and how they might help you with your future projects!

Cost: FREE


This event is over.

Every Tuesday until Feb. 23, 12:30pm

Bozeman Public Library
626 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 570-7752