MSU CLS Faculty Authors’ Reception
The College of Letters and Science at Montana State University will celebrate 12 faculty authors with recently published books at a reception Thursday, Dec. 9, from 6 to 8 p.m. in Norm Asbjornson Hall’s Inspiration Hall.
At approximately 7 p.m., College of Letters and Science Dean Yves Idzerda and HuaLi, a professor and coordinator of the Chinese program in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, will discuss Li’s new book “Chinese Science Fiction During the Post-Mao Cultural Thaw.”
Other authors from the college, their departments, and the featured books, are:
Elizabeth Burroughs, Mary Alice Carlson, Elizabeth Fulton and Megan Wickstrom, mathematical sciences, "Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling, Grades K-5" and "Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling, Grades 6-12"Diane Debinski, ecology, "Wings That Make Waves"Leo Killsback, Native American studies, "A Sacred People: Indigenous Governance, Traditional Leadership and the Warriors of the Cheyenne Nation" and "A Sovereign People: Indigenous Nationhood, Traditional Law and the Covenants of the Cheyenne Nation"Amy Leach, English, "The Everybody Ensemble: Donkeys, Essays, and Other Pandemoniums"Allison Wynhoff Olsen, English, "Teaching English in Rural Communities: Toward a Critical Rural English Pedagogy"Michael Reidy, history and philosophy, "The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 8, June 1862-January 1865," "The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 10, January 1867-December 1868," and "The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 11, January 1869-February 1871"Monica Skewes, psychology, "Indigenous Relapse Prevention: Sustaining Recovery in Native American Communities"Molly Todd, history and philosophy, "Long Journey to Justice: El Salvador, the United States, and Struggles Against Empire" and "Memoria Viva: Fotografías y Testimonios Sobre la Vida en los Campamentos de Refugiados en La Virtud y Mesa Grande, 1980-1992"Megan Wickstrom, mathematical sciences, "Exploring Mathematical Modeling with Young Learners"
The reception is free and open to the public. Mask wearing by university guests is strongly encouraged. Paid parking is available in the MSU parking garage adjacent to Norm Asbjornson Hall. Parking in Bobcat, Wolf and Stadium lots is free after 6 p.m.
For parking information, visit event is supported in part by donations to the College of Letters and Science through the MSU Alumni Foundation.For more information, contact Amanda Smith at 406-994-4288 or or visit
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
This event is over.
Thu. Dec. 9, 2021 6-8pm
Norm Asbjornson HallMontana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717