Restoring America - Lt Col Alan West /Sen Tom McGillvray
Washington DC is broken. Out of control deficit spending is robbing future generations of the prosperity we enjoy. Lifetime elected officials have lost connection to the everyday lives and challenges of the citizens. The Justice system legislates from the bench. Unelected bureaucrats strip the states of their rightful decision-making authority. Abusive and over bearing federal bureaucracies infringe on the Bill of Rights.
COSA has a solution as big as the problem. The founding fathers via Article V of the US Constitution gave the states the ability to propose amendments to the constitution when the federal government became the problem and resists fixing itself.
COSA solutions is limited to 1) impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, 2) limit its power and jurisdiction, and 3) impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.
Come listen to COSA supporter Lt Col Alan West, and Senator Tom McGillvray discuss the solution that is right there in the US Constitution. Mingle and ask question from COSA volunteer supporters. Learn the status of the national movement. Update yourself on where Montana efforts to join with 33 other states on the road to 34, resulting in a Convention of States to Propose Amendments.
This event is over.
Wed. Sep. 28, 2022 3-5pm
For More Information
(406) 933-8658
Montana State Capital - Flag Plaza Northside1301 E Sixth Ave
Helena, MT 59601