Notorious BOZ with Tom Meyers!

Notorious BOZ is a long-form improv show that celebrates the city of Bozeman, its history and its incredible citizens.
Every show will feature a guest "Armando" or monologist who will share stories from their life. The cast will then use those stories as inspiration to create characters and scenes and bring it all together in a completely hilarious and improvised show!
This week's Armando is Tom Meyers! Tom is a Bozeman local with strong ties to the community. He's a nurse at the hospital who has survived and thrived during the pandemic. He enjoys playing his guitar and singing, running marathons, snowboarding, and happens to be a master of the yoyo! Tom finds life hilarious and fun and looks forward to telling you his stories.
Tickets are $15
Cost: $15
Age: 18+
This event is over.
Sat. Jan. 28, 2023 7-8pm
For More Information
(406) 570-7766

321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse
Bozeman, MT 59715