Bozeman Senior Center Jam Session and Group Lessons

From 1PM-2PM we hold a guided beginner-level ukulele play-along session for members of the Bozeman Senior Center. Come and joyously sing together!
From 2PM-3PM we have beginner group lessons. First time players are welcome and will learn how to tune your ukulele; how to play a few basic cords; how to hold and strum your ukulele. If you don’t have a uke yet don’t buy one! There will be a limited number of ukuleles available for folks to try out and possibly even borrow temporarily until you find one right for you.
Advancing beginners will expand their basic chord vocabulary and strumming patterns with various chord progression exercises and 3- and 4-chord songs in a few basic keys. Just like when learning a new language words are not enough, you need to learn a little grammar. Here you will learn some very basic music theory to help you stay oriented on your musical journey.

Age: Seniors


This event is over.

Every Wednesday until Sep. 27, 1-4pm

Bozeman Senior Center
807 N. Tracy Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715