Notorious BOZ for the Cancer Support Community

Notorious BOZ is a long-form improv show that celebrates the city of Bozeman, its history and its incredible citizens. Every show will feature a guest "Armando" or monologist who will share stories from their life. The cast will then use those stories as inspiration to create characters and scenes and bring it all together in a completely hilarious and improvised show! This week we are honored to have Zach Clements, Cancer Survivor & Storyteller. A portion of ticket sales for this event will go directly to the Cancer Support Community Montana. Cancer Support Community Montana provides crucial support programs & services to those in the Greater Gallatin Valley who have been impacted by cancer. We offer drop-in and on-going support groups, networking groups for people with specific types of cancer, educational workshops, exercise activities, stress management sessions, lectures by experts in the field of oncology, and social gatherings. Services are offered in-person, online and in a hybrid platform – all with laughter, joy and hope. All programs & services are offered completely FREE OF CHARGE and are available to cancer survivors, those living with cancer and anyone in their support system. Our mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community. Tickets are $20 We also have a 9pm Whiz Bang show! If there are tickets available, you will be able to add on to your ticket for just $5 to see both shows for the evening.
Cost: $15
Age: 18+
This event is over.
Sat. Mar. 25, 2023 7-8pm
For More Information
(406) 570-7766

321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse
Bozeman, MT 59715