The Last Will and Testament of Lizzie Williams

Celebrate women’s history month with a presentation from the Extreme History Project. Crystal Alegria, director of the Extreme History Project will introduce us to one of Bozeman’s early woman entrepreneurs. With the end of the Civil War in 1865, Black Americans migrated West in hope of a better life and opportunity. We will explore the life of Lizzie Williams, A Black business woman who sought refuge in Bozeman. She died in 1875 leaving her last Will and Testament which gives us a rare glimpse of early Bozeman through the lens of an African American woman. The Extreme History Project is a Bozeman nonprofit organization whose mission is to make history relevant. Please join us on Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:30PM on Zoom. Link to join:

Cost: FREE

Age: Adults


This event is over.

Wed. Mar. 29, 2023   6:30-7:30pm

For More Information
 (406) 582-2400
