Backcountry Safety and First Aid

One of the many wonderful things about living in Bozeman is the close proximity to great hiking trails. It behooves us as hikers and explorers to know how to handle unexpected, unpleasant or even dangerous situations in the backcountry, including:

  • Even though you diligently carry bear spray, do you know how to use it properly?
  • Where is the best place to hide if you see lightning in the area?
  • What should you do if you "roll an ankle" miles from the trailhead?
  • How can you diagnose heat stroke, hypoglycemia or hypothermia, and what can you do about it?

We will cover practical recommendations for various situations you might encounter and suggestions on what you should have in your wilderness first aid kit. We will also discuss how to use your bear spray effectively. Join seasoned instructors from the MSU Outdoor Recreation Program for this practical hands-on workshop and presentation.

Space is limited to 40 people.

Cost: $25


This event is over.

Wed. Apr. 26, 2023   1-5pm

Hope Lutheran Church
2152 Graf St.
Bozeman, MT 59718