Collaborative Lawn Concert (FREE) featuring Cliff DeManty, Kate Bryan, Amy Leach and Edis Kittrell

oin musicians Cliff DeManty, Edis Kittrell, Amy Leach and Kate Bryan (Musicans of Pilgrim Church) as they collaborate to create a soulful evening of vocal and instrumental music. The evening will include music from many genre's and will also include a little audience participation. In addition to some great vocal harmony, instruments played will include keyboards, guitar, violin/fiddle, percussion and clarinet. This promises to be a memorable coming-together of four (4) amazing musicians that frequently share music at Pilgrim Church and play in bands and small ensembles around the Gallatin Valley. Bring a blanket and a picnic basket along with your friends and family to enjoy a relaxing evening of connection and free music on the lawn at Pilgrim Congregational Church, 2118 S 3rd Ave, in Bozeman. In case of bad weather the concert will move inside to the Church's Chris Boyd Community room. BYO Picnic @ 6:30 PM AND FREE Concert @ 7 PM to 8:30 PM. FREE LAWN CONCERTS All Summer from June 28 through August 16.

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Wed. Jun. 28, 2023   6:30-8:30pm

For More Information
 (406) 570-2839

Pilgrim Church Lawn (inside if weather bad)
2118 S. 3rd Avenue (South of the Corner of Willson & Kagy)
Bozeman, Montana 59715