Film: Jules

Jules follows Milton (Ben Kingsley) who lives a quiet life of routine in a small western Pennsylvania town, but finds his day upended when a UFO and its extra-terrestrial passenger crash land in his backyard. Before long, Milton develops a close relationship with the extra-terrestrial he calls “Jules.” Things become complicated when two neighbors (Harriet Samson Harris and Jane Curtin) discover Jules and the government quickly closes in. What follows is a funny, wildly inventive ride as the three neighbors find meaning and connection later in life - thanks to this unlikely stranger. 

"Featuring sterling performances from an uncharacteristically underplaying Ben Kingsley alongside Harriet Sansom Harris and Jane Curtin, Jules emerges as a low-key delight."

-Hollywood Reporter

Directed by Marc Turtletaub. Rated PG13. 90 min. 89% Rotten Tomatoes. CC.

Cost: Student $11.50, Adult $13.50, Senior $13.00


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Wed. Sep. 27, 2023   7:30pm

The Ellen Theatre
17 W. Main St.
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 585-5885