Notorious BOZ with Morgan Keenan of Cudaway Knives

Notorious BOZ is a long-form improv show that celebrates the city of Bozeman, its history and its incredible citizens. Every show will feature a guest "Armando" or monologist who will share stories from their life. The cast will then use those stories as inspiration to create characters and scenes and bring it all together in a completely hilarious and improvised show! This week's Armando is Morgan Keenan. Born and raised in Charlotte, NC- Morgan has spent the last 10 years living in Alaska, WY, ID, and MT. He totaled 3 motorcycles, torn both ACL's, blown three discs in his back, and one in his neck. In October of 2020, he moved to Bozeman to start Cudaway Knives- a production knife shop in Four Corners. He's ADHD, dyslexic, likes cold beer, making nice ceramic pots, good shows, and has a very magnificent dog named Phil. Come out on October 7th to meet this nice boy. Tickets are $15. We have a 9pm Whiz Bang show, and if it is not Sold Out, you will be able to buy a $5 add on ticket AT THE DOOR when you come to the 7pm show to make a full night of comedy! ‍

Cost: $15

Age: 18+


This event is over.

Sat. Oct. 7, 2023   7-8pm

For More Information
 (406) 219-3933

Last Best Comedy
321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse
Bozeman, MT 59715